Saturday, January 12, 2013

November 2012 Part 2 of 2

 Here's part two for November.  My mom bought a wooden airplane swing for Kade and his cousin Summer.  Kade had a great time!  He was born to fly! 

My Dad & Devin

My sister Raena

Ian & Brent

My kids and My Mom

Grandmother Olsen and Brandon & Becky's newest arrival.

Brandon, Sheila & Ian

Brandon and Brandon, and they both went to the Philippines on their missions.  Just a fun fact.

 Kendra & Robby

My family and I went to my Aunt Sheila's and Uncle Brent's for Thanksgiving dinner on Thanksgiving day.  It was so fun to see my cousins Robby, Ian, Brandon and Becky and they're cute kids, and of course my Uncle Brent and Aunt Sheila, who made an amazing dinner, and of course my Grandmother Olsen too!  Miss you all!

 My Dad blew bubbles for his own entertainment and then noticed that Kade was fascinated with it too.  So then it became more fun.

 I love my sister Raena!!  I have to get a picture with her every time we're together, I swear. 

 Then we had dinner at Mom and Dad Rowser's!  They did subs instead.  They were delicious.  I love getting candid shots of people.  You get a real feel for how much fun everyone is having.  Or what people are saying at the time.  Apparently Bryce wasn't interested in what Brent was saying, so he's getting up to leave in this picture.

Grandmas J, taking care of Ryan's thirst needs.

 Sharece was posing for our sister-in-law picture before we all got together.  I had no idea I swear.  But I love the picture!!  Thanks for being goofy Sharece & Suz!!  I love it!

  Then we got a picture of all the sister-in-laws and Mom!  I don't think that's ever happened before.

 I love this picture!  Good job Grandma J!  You played games with all the grand kids at once!!  You may go and lay down now.

November 2012 Part 1 of 2

November was tons of fun.  Started out with my very first race I've ever done.  And a Triathlon no less.  I got to check one thing off my bucket list!  My friend Alia and I trained for the race together.  She was amazing to train with and motivated me so much!  I wouldn't have done it with out her.  It was so much fun!  I hope I get to do it again sometime.  Probably the 3rd hardest and most rewarding thing I've ever done, right after labor with all 3 kids and marriage.  I said rewarding too.  My awesome friend Cristy made a poster for me and it was hanging on my tree the morning of my race.  My other awesome friend made me a green smoothy the night before.  I have the best friends down here!

Brandon had a pretty good birthday this year.  I hope he got everything he wanted.  The kids were sure excited to give him his gifts. 

Thanksgiving was great!  Our first dinner was with Mom & Dad Carlile, and we went to Chuck-a-rama and then back to Brent & Jody's for chit chat.  Always a good time with the Rowser's.  I'm never bored.  Brad brought the entertainment this year.  He had to take vitals of about 15 to 20 people, so all of us had our vitals done twice.  It turned out to be great entertainment, trying to boost people's heart rates with a scare or a tickle.  Kade loves Lily, Brent and Jody's dog, or Emily's dog I guess.  Kade played with her for most of the time we were there.  I got some cute pictures of Brad, Suz, Brady and Tess, and if you want to know what I go through to get a good picture with my husband, the second to last photo says it all.  It's almost not worth the bruises.  At least I got a good one with Kade.

October 2012

October was not well recorded.  I know more happened, I just didn't feel like keeping record of it.  For example I know Brandon left for 3 weeks for a business trip, and that truly stunk, but other than that, it was a good month.  My kids love to paint, but since I hate cleaning messes, they only get to paint maybe once a year, so they are super excited when it does happen.  The 2nd and 3rd pictures are of Mary and her farewell that we threw for her.  It was fun to have good friends from the ward there to show support for Mary.  We miss her dearly, but luckily we stay in close contact.  Ryan played soccer in the fall.  These pictures were taken at his first game.  He was pretty nervous at first, then his coach talked him through it and he did pretty well.  He LOVES being the goaly!!  I don't think that aggressive contact sports are for him.  We'll try baseball next.  And of course Halloween is always fun.  But this year it was extra fun having 2 kids that were really into it.  Kyler was a baseball player, Ryan was Batman, Kade was a football player and I was hawaiian I guess.  Hey I made a small effort, that still counts.  We carved pumpkins, went trick or treating and had fun with friends!  That tall ghost that we're standing next to was in front of some random persons house in our friends neighborhood.  The kids always made me drive past it when we were driving around looking at decorations, so we went to that house while trick or treating and the girl told us to take a picture if we wanted.  My kids were thrilled!  It was pretty creepy looking if you ask me though.