Sunday, September 29, 2013

May 2013

In May this year we had a lot of fun finishing out the school year and having a last party with friends before we moved.

 This was at Kyler's annual school fair.  It's always a lot of fun.

Kendra & Kade.

 Mike & Steph, Caleb and Maddy (kids).  Our dear next door neighbor friends.

Leyla & Kyler.

Cristy & Joel, Leyla, Tyce & Dane


Brad & Austin came to pick up the airplane and take it to Utah.

This was our last FHE friend's get together.  We did it monthly for years.  Man I really miss all these wonderful people.  We had the best friends in Tucson.

Kyler's spring baseball.  He had a great time and did very well.  I'm trying to remember right, but I think he had a home run with this hit.


Kyler's fans.


Kade, what can I say, cute & weird.

 Always having a good time on the bean bag.  Like our moving boxes as the back ground?