Tuesday, November 19, 2013

June 2013

June was a fun, but sad month for us.  We were so excited to be moving to Utah, but it was so sad to leave our good friends behind.  However, we've been dying to get back to Utah since we got to Arizona, so it was very exciting to finally be back.

This was my last girls night with 2 of my very closest friends!  Steph (middle) and Cristy (right).  We went to Color Me Mine one last time together.  We had so much fun.  I miss these girls dearly!

 Kyler worked so hard on this Space Shuttle project that was due sometime in May.  We finally took a picture in June and I thought he did good enough to make a spot in our blog.  Good Job Kyler!!

My last night with mine and Tricia's dance class.  Tricia and I started teaching a hip hop class every Thursday back in January or February this year and these girls from our ward came on a regular basis.  We had so much fun!!  And we only charged $20 per class!  Just kidding, it was free.  But worth $20. :)

(from left to right)
Jami, Chanel, Beth (another super close friend!), Kendra, Steph, Tricia (my other super close friend, and co-teacher)
Miss this class and these girls so much!!

So here we are living in Utah finally!  We lived in Brian and Jenny's basement for the first couple months until we could find a home.  Thank you so much for letting us live there Brian & Jen!  We had so much fun with you guys!!  My boys miss living with their cousins!  And I miss the late night visits from Jen and Brian.  

Ah, Ragnar.  What can I say?  It was the most awesome experience I've ever had!  So challenging and so fun!!  So tiring and so energizing!  12 runners.  2 vans.  2 days.  Almost 200 miles of relay running.  No sleep.  Short shower. Lot's of Gatorade. Endless laughs.  From Logan to Park City.  It really pushed me to my limit and made me realize that I can accomplish anything I really want to.  I met a new friend, Kim, and we got to know each other very well.  She is a lot of fun to be with.  Taylor and Emily proved to us that they can finish anything they start.  And do it incredibly well at it.  Brent and Jody showed talents I didn't know they had.  They're amazing runners!!  We all had so much fun.  I even had a good time when my head lamp went out at 10:00 at night and I couldn't see my van anywhere.  It was a little scary, but I'm still alive, so all is well.  I would run with these guys again any day!

We all supported each other! Taylor and Emily were always first on site though.  Ready to help each runner get whatever they needed to keep going. 

I never even saw this sign, but I laughed so hard when I saw this picture.  I'll smile with you Amanda!!  :)

Crossing the finish line was the best feeling ever, especially with my husband and kids and my dad their to cheer me on.  I love you guys.  Thank you for coming!!

I really enjoyed spending time with Kim, Jody, Brent, Emily and Taylor!  Couldn't have asked for a funner van!!

Our team!
(from left to right)
Kendra, Jody, Brent, Brian R, Brian L
Taylor, Emily, Amanda, Amber, Kim B, Sharece, Kim N

LAGOON DAY, for my Dad's work.  This was the only photo I got when we went to Lagoon with my Mom and Dad.  This is Kyler and I riding the ancient white roller coaster.  This whole day was so fun.  The kids had a blast!  Kyler was tall enough to ride all the rides at the park, and he pretty much did.  Ryan was big enough to ride a few of the adult rides and small enough to ride all of the kid rides, so he had a great time.  And Kade really enjoyed the rides he went on as well. As for us adults, we had a ton of fun, but we were happy to go home and go to bed that night.

Kade's Birthday.  Kade was not exactly happy that day.  Isn't that how it always works out.  He wouldn't even pretend to be happy for me during pictures.  What's up with that?  We celebrated in Jen's back yard with a few family members.  Wasn't a huge party, but as you can see Kade wasn't in the mood anyway.

Bryce was having a good time though.


 Mom was content.  And Kaylee was happy cause she was eating.  My kind of girl.

Kade was the grumpiest one there.  Even though he was the only one getting new toys.  Why throw a party for kids under 3?  They don't care.

 I was hoping my smile might rub off on Kade.  Nope.  Well Happy Birthday anyway Kade.  We love you!

Sunday, September 29, 2013

May 2013

In May this year we had a lot of fun finishing out the school year and having a last party with friends before we moved.

 This was at Kyler's annual school fair.  It's always a lot of fun.

Kendra & Kade.

 Mike & Steph, Caleb and Maddy (kids).  Our dear next door neighbor friends.

Leyla & Kyler.

Cristy & Joel, Leyla, Tyce & Dane


Brad & Austin came to pick up the airplane and take it to Utah.

This was our last FHE friend's get together.  We did it monthly for years.  Man I really miss all these wonderful people.  We had the best friends in Tucson.

Kyler's spring baseball.  He had a great time and did very well.  I'm trying to remember right, but I think he had a home run with this hit.


Kyler's fans.


Kade, what can I say, cute & weird.

 Always having a good time on the bean bag.  Like our moving boxes as the back ground?


Sunday, June 2, 2013

April 2013 - Part 3 - St Thomas, Virgin Islands

 I love the ocean!!
 Ferry ride to St John.
 Most colorful buildings I've ever seen!

 Love it!
 Man my family is good lookin!!

 Sugar Mill Ruins on St John.  Yeah, you're actually not supposed to climb on them.  Woops.

 Man I love these girls!!
 Rumor that Raena heard was that there was only one cow on the island.  This site surprised her greatly!
 Look at that water!!  Amazing . . .
 Hiking in the tropics!!  Love it!
 Iguanas!  Apparently they're everywhere.  I finally saw one the last day.
 If I have good looks, it's because of this gorgeous woman right here . . .
 Best birthday ever!! 

 Monica and I got to fly home together.  She of course stopped in Florida.  We had so much fun though!!  I got to know her so well on this trip!  We are true sisters now!!  I love this girl!! 
Such a fun trip!!  I'll remember it forever!!