Saturday, June 18, 2011

June 2011

Here's my latest pregnancy pic, for those that were wondering what I look like these days. My sister came to visit, we had so much fun, and I love this picture, she's a hottie. The kids took swim lessons from a friend this year. Saved a lot of money and she did a great job, they loved it! Ryan likes learning on his own more than with a teacher as you can see. Then the boys helped Brandon put the crib up for their new little brother. We're expecting him to arrive by the end of June the way my pregnancy is going. I'm already dilated and having contractions. We'll be sure to keep you all updated!

1 comment:

  1. You look AWESOME Kendra! We are excited to get the news of baby #3's arrival (does he have a name yet?). Best of luck with the delivery. Give the boys a hug and tell them we LOVE them (and you, too!).
